Diamond Group: The Jewels of Modern Architecture

To quote George Moore, “A house is made of walls and beams. A home is made of love and dreams.”
This is what Diamond Building Care (DBC) hope to effectuate with the services they provide. Based in Delhi, they provide products for the strengthening and fool proofing of architectural wonders to make one’s house a home. Apart from this, they also provide their services in other matters which we shall delve into later on in this article.
Going back to their roots, it was established in 1980 by one Mr. Nasrat M. Khan (Founder and Chairperson). He started this company with the hopes and dreams that it will be as big as how it has proved to be right now. Since then, under the direction of Mr. Arshad M. Khan (Managing Director), the company has become a professionally run, top-tier manufacturer of wall finishing products, waterproofing and building supplies.
On the work and supplying front, they provide an extensive range of products which include Terroseal Waterproofing, Terroza Wall Putty, Terroza Cool Plaster, Super Sandla, Terroseal Waterproofing Membrane, Cool Coating and much more. Apart from this, they also provide their services in color matching of old mortar or lime wash& putty which is used in the coating of walls.
Going onto the management front, they foster an ethnicity that unites workers under clear, common objectives which back up the notion that diversity is about looking for other perspectives, ideas, and problem-solving approaches. Apart from this, they are given plenty of room to explore, learn, grow, and fly higher thanks to their pro-active, employee-centric workplace culture. DBC also boasts of a varied workforce which advances professionally, looks for new challenges, takes on leadership responsibilities and retains their attention on achieving both professional and personal goals.
DBC is a specialist in what it does. There is no denying this. But in the end, how are they contributing to the society and the world if they are actually doing so? Well, for starters, they are hell-bent on looking after our natural resources and ensure the protection and revival of our environment. This is their first and foremost priority. In the past, they have also gifted discounts to the police force for the work that they put in to ensure the protection of everyone residing in this vast and diverse city. But what about their missions and visions for the future? DBC has taken an oath to reach the apex level when it comes to waterproofing industry. Along with this, their vision is to become one of leaders in building care products manufacturing and service providing. Hopefully, on this road, they contribute positively towards the society and make for a better planet.