Orit Fuchs says it all

Art, also called (to distinguish it from other art forms) visual art, is a visual object or experience consciously created through an expression of skill or imagination. Art encompasses diverse media such as painting, sculpture, printmaking, drawing, decorative arts, photography, and installation. ORIT FUCHS is an artist that shows her feelings and emotions through her paintings. For others, it is just a painting, but for an artist, it is the way of showing itself. Orit is one of them, and she is based in TEL AVIV, ISRAEL.
ORIT FUCHS a very keen on artistic self-expression. Her medium traverses the catalog – sculptures, painting, typography, illustration’ knitting, photography, and more – crowning achievements to bring her discernment to life.
The most pre-eminent dissertation in her art is the colleen perception and the synthetic forms it can take in voguish toffs. Orit Fuchs is a finesse for the multitude of women out there.
Her female characters permeate the full spectrum of human emotion and state of mind. Fuchs has made her presence known in the international art scene with projects and exhibitions in hubs like Toronto, New York, and Tokyo.
She not only paints just for fun or as a hobby, but she represents her artwork in different exhibitions around the world. She has recently exhibited her artwork at the Museum of Modern Art in Seoul.
She started as an art director, but later on, she started painting and illustrating. Her illustrations revolve around feminine issues and are so relatable. It is just like you see something and you relate to it.
Another monument to her outlandish approach is her Short Stories Series, depicting faceless women in trivial yet beautifully natural moments. At first glance, it may appear extremely simple, but it’s the kind of simplicity that borders on genius.
Her Instagram is everything where you can find her paintings and sculptures. She has 21.9K followers. Her followers are mostly artistic people. She has worked with Israel’s top most companies. She is one of the strongest feminie out there and her sculptures predict it very well. Fuchs’ sculptures are playful, charmingly innocent, and tastefully simplistic. They include figures of women such as Sophia the Swimmer, Miss Kate and The Capsule, as well as Pinocchio characters and sumo wrestlers.
For more information visit: www.oritfuchs.com