Shri Murugesh R Nirani, Minister of Karnataka Large & MSME Industries accepted Honorary Fellow Membership of Institution of Valuers

Institution of Valuers (IOV), bagged “Brand Impact Award” by Indian Achievers’ Forum & CSR Times, organises Indian Valuers Congress (IVC), annually which is a benchmarking platform in the careers of Valuers from all over India and overseas.
This year, 52nd Indian Valuers Congress (IVC 2021) was celebrated on 3rd& 4th December 2021 at Bengaluru in hybrid mode focussing on “Transforming the Valuation Eco-System” in association with Insolvency & Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) and IOV Registered Valuers Foundation (IOV-RVF).
The inaugural session was graced by the physical presence of Shri Murugesh R Nirani, Hon’ble Minister of Large & MSME Industries, Karnataka as a Chief Guest and Dr. M.S. Sahoo, Former Chairperson, IBBI as a Guest of Honour.
The valuation ecosystem in our country needs to develop the best practices for research around development. I started as a sugar manufacturer. In a span of 20 years, it has grown into being one of the largest in Asia. Such things happen only when one can properly determine the value of the product. Without that, no industry can grow. Shri Murugesh R Nirani, as a Chief Guest at IVC 2021 appreciated the major role being played by Institution of Valuers in the future of the state’s financial growth vis a vis overall economic development. The hon’ble minister invited the valuer’s fraternity to explore entrepreneurial opportunities and create employment for the benefit of Valuation fraternity vis a vis society at large. The minister also invited IOV for participating in Global Investment Summit going to be held in 2022.
Dr M S Sahoo delivered a Key Note address on the theme of IVC 2021 i.e Transforming the Valuation Eco System. He mentioned that the four elements (NIV, Valuer Institutes, VPOs and RVs) and four pillars (academic backing, valuation standards, technology, and reputation) will surely make the valuation ecosystem robust and boost the growth of market for valuation services.
The Hon’ble Chief Guest, Shri MurugeshNiraninot only launched the IOV mobile app for android & IOS users but also accepted the Honorary Fellow Membership of Institution of Valuers.Shri Nirani is an Engineer by profession.IOV confers most prestigious, Honorary Fellows Membership (Hon. F.I.V.) to the high eminent personalities in India and abroad for the development of valuation profession.
IOV remains in regular touch with its members through its Monthly Journal named as “Indian Valuer” since 1969 without a break, since then. To motivate the authors, IOV also awarded few of them on the merit of the articles.IOV also awarded the valuers for their outstanding performance towards the profession of Valuation and Branches of IOV for overall performance of Branch.
In line with our Hon’ble Prime Minister’s view on Transformation, Reformation and Inclusivity, this year’s conference experienced technical sessions covering 40 topics involving eminent speakers participating across the globe, focussing on following parameters: –
- Future of Valuation Profession in India
- Emerging Role of ESG in Valuations
- Standards Compliance & Safeguards for Valuers
- New Avenues in Valuation
- A Perspective on Need for Valuation Education
- Valuation Profession in Nepal
- Valuation of Unregistered Land
- Practical Approaches of Valuation
- Technological Interventions in Valuation Services
- Effective Aspects in Valuation
Mr Debajyoti Ray Chaudhuri, MD & CEO, National E-Governance Services Ltd (NeSL); Mr K Raghu, Former President, ICAI; Vr. Rajeev R. Shah, Managing Director & CEO, RBSA Advisors;Dr. Venugopal K R, Vice-Chancellor, Bengaluru City University and Dr Naveen J Sirohi, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA) had an intensive discussion with their presence in person.
Dr R. Narayanaswamy, Retired Professor, Indian Institute of Management; Mr Alexander Aronsohn, Director of Technical Standards Board, IVSC; Vr Devendra Kumar Shrestha, SAARC; Dr Mike McDermott, International Land Policy, Legal, Institutional and Valuation Consultant and Mr Wolfgang Kälberer, Member of the Steering Committee, HypZert GmbH, Germany graced the event through video conferencing.
The IVC 2021 was not limited to impart education in valuation but also extended for a cultural evening at the end of the first day.
ValedictorySession of IVC 2021 was graced with the presence in person of Mr Rajesh Kumar Gupta, Chief General Manager, IBBI and Mr. Vijay Kumar, Circle Head (Bengaluru East), Punjab National Bank.
Dr. Sanjay Kumar Pandey, Adviser (Law) & Head, Advocacy Division, Competition Commission of India (CCI) and Mr C L GhoshDeputy Secretary, Department of Investment and Public Asset Management (DIPAM) graced the valedictory session through video conferencing. The panel of eminent experts had a deliberate discussion on the Disinvestment – Govt Perspective on Valuation.
IVC 2021 was very well organised with automated Check-in and issuance of Participation Certificates using the latest technology. The event was attended by more than 700 participants from all over India and abroad, which has created remarkable achievement of IOV.